class ID: Edit
property = "ModuleTaskCreate_F_ID";
displayName = "Task ID";
tooltip = "Unique task ID used to refer to this task. When empty, module variable name will be used. If even that one is undefined, generic name will be used by default.";
control = "EditShort";
**unique = 1; // When 1, only one entity of the type can have the value in the mission (used for example for variable names or player control)**
class IDParent: Edit
property = "ModuleTaskCreate_F_IDParent";
displayName = "Parent Task ID";
tooltip = "ID of the parent task. When empty, the task will have no parent and will be shown in root.";
control = "EditShort";
**unique = 1; // When 1, only one entity of the type can have the value in the mission (used for example for variable names or player control)**