Built the second car with the parts we had grabed from are other car that had despawned after walking away. I managed to get the new car runnig after butting water in the radiator and gas in the tank the oil would not give me a selection to add so i started the car up turned it around and drove down the street i had no lag and i was going through a road block zombies started running after me i kept moving down the street to my car tent when i was coming up on a lil town i froze and i tried to stop the car after the freezing stoppes the car was damaged and the engine light was red i didnt have enough time to open the inventory cause zombies so i jumped on top of the car i kew the first car we had despawned so i didnt want to run away or go far so i logged off trying to stay alive i waited 3-4 mins to return to the server when i got back on the zombies moved away and i was standing in the road with no car under me