Create a mission containing 1 or more enemy AI.
Run the mission on a dedicated server and connect to it as a client
Run the following code on your player character for 2 reasons
Stops you from getting killed
Allows you to see when you have been hit
Txu_HitCounter = 0;
Player addeventhandler ["HandleDamage",{}];
Player addMPEventHandler ["mphit", {Txu_HitCounter = Txu_HitCounter + 1; player sidechat format [" >>> %1 Hit",name (_this select 0), Txu_HitCounter];}];
Walk towards the AI, once the individual AI has emptied its first magazine and reloaded you will no longer
1) see Muzzle flashes
2) hear Firing sounds
You will however see them reload and you will continue to take hits.
It is more visually obvious when running the mission at night