I noticed that tails sound with `distanceFilter="weaponShotTailDistanceFreqAttenuationFilter";` alway sounds with `distanceFilter="weaponShotTailDistanceFreqAttenuationFilter";` always have **frequencyRandomizer** parameter in assault rifles' calibers (except //cannons// and //heavy machine guns//) have **frequencyRandomizer** parameter, but some sound set classes don't have it: and when shooting aeems for vehicle turrets weapon without **frequencyRandomizer**s this parameter was missing, because when shooting this weapons without frequencyRandomizer params I get weird sound glitches in tails
These are the classes from CfgSoundSets were problem was reproed:
see YT video→ the 1st footage shows you vanilla sound on shooting LMG65mmTurret_tail_SoundSet, the 2nd with mod added frequencyRandomizer=1; and seems issue was 'fixed?'→ https://youtu.be/MmxlrbP4ylM
# LMG65mmTurret_tail_SoundSet
# LMGCoax762mm_tail_SoundSet
# LMGMinigun65mm_tail_SoundSet
# M134Minigun_tail_SoundSet
**frequencyRandomizer** is not used in Tail sound sets of cannons (20, 30, 40 mm) and heavy machine guns (.50, 12.7 mm), shooting weapons with these sound sets I seems cannot hear sound glitch or it's issue hidden…I really don't know if missing this param causing glitches and what value it must have for Coaxsial weapons for vehicle…
Please investigate this issue