At the mission design stageTo have more options for placing turrets indoors, I quite often encounter a restriction with turrets indoors - when there is a certain angle for the turret to fire
And exceeding these "limits" the player's model crawls out of the walls
Please implement commands to overwrite rotation and elevation values from configwe need a script commands to limit the rotation of turrets horizontally and vertically so that the player and AI cannot turn so much that their body models come out from the wall
//---// → Vanilla config valuess **class HMG_02**
and also to return these valuessee [[ | YT video demostration ]]
getTurnT// → to get config values
// the same as (configfile>>"CfgVehicles">>_turret && getElev>>"Turrets">>"MainTurret
_turretTurnLimits = getTurnTurret vehicle player;Limits _turret; //---result [360, -360]
_turretElevLimits = getElevTurret vehicle player;Limits _turret; //---result [35, -8]
// → need overwrite config values
```_turret setTurnTurretLimits [180, -180];
want to overwrite config_turret setElevTurretLimits [10, -5];
// → get current turn and elevation values:
```// well the same as (deg (_turret animationPhase "mainturret")) or (deg (_turret animationPhase "maingun"))
vehicle player s_turretTurn = getTurnTurret [95,_turret; -95];//---result 49.9559
vehicle player s_turretElev = getElevTurret [11,_turret; -8];//---result 14.1017