AI is not able to rearm or recharge after order or independently.
If the AI runs out ammo, then this AI is not able to do recharge, even if the commander orders him to do it.When subordinates AI out of ammo, This command is not work!
Ifthey report to the commander ordered to change weapons,der - "low ammo". theIn this AI has problems:
1) If the commander will order to AI to take the ammos case, then this AI will not take the ammunition.
2) If thethe commander will order to AI to take the new Weapon(using menu offers the weapon nameplayer, via the actions menu), then this AI will not use nearest to him new weaponsto command "rearm at soldier".
But, this AIIf player will to run faruse this command, in search of new weaponsthen the AI will say - "Ok, putting their lives at risk.
3) Еven if this AI will find and raise a new primary weapon, or if the commander will personally reequipping iReady".
But in fact, this AI will not use it!
Instead of the primary weapons this AI will use only the pistol!
about this watch here:
I thinkit will not do the rearm or reloading actions
Thus, if the AI running out of ammo and ifin this case the commander would not order him to reload or change weapon(with a dead soldier),game is simply cheating players. thenBIS, after a short amount of timePlease teach allied AI do this command, this AI should be able to choose the nearest to him weapons and use it independently.
If this is difficultor remove "reload-command" from action menu, then let at least,because this useless. the AI executes the orders of the commander and behave appropriately in this action.
There is no point in cluttering the action menu