If mission author creating animals (“Animals” module spawned or Eden Editor entity placed) they will not behave as they do in a SP or hosted MP
However agents (animals) automatically spawned on the terrain will be behave as they should as in SP
By default (in SP and hosted MP) this `allVariables cursorObject` will return:
"leader",= 1. Animal behavior in Arma 3 is triggered by using: =
"_totalcreated",CfgTasks → AnimalMainTask
"members",It calls [[ https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_animalBehaviour | BIS_fnc_animalBehaviour ]] on each agent animal. It success if singleplayer but multiplayer will not execute function on animal.
"_tasktype",//There are two features in this function: removal of the animal that got into the water; sound for goats, chickens.//
Following the above, we can check that the function has failed execution on animals in the MP by simply moving them into the water or listening near them (goats, chickens - sound every 5 sec).
Another proof would be another way to execute the function on animals, such as the Event Handler “postInit”
"_this",If make mod with next code the animal will work as designed in multiplayer:
= 2. Also this ticket requests adding sound support for Dogs and Sheeps =
Please see //\A3\Functions_F\Ambient\fn_animalBehaviour.sqf// lines from **447**
Easy spot problem by exec `allVariables cursorObject` with placed by Eden **Rabbit_F** on a dedicated serverwhen function was created only goats and chickens was in game, it will returns empty array `[]`
Variables **leader**,but now in game data there dogs and sheeps sounds, it would be great if they made sounds too. **members** and **state** creating by BIS_fnc_animalBehaviour;Take a look at these two code blocks:
Variables **_thisCreated**, **_task**, **_taskType**, **_this** //and seems rest //creating by CfgTasks→AnimalMainTask
Since we get an empty allVariables array, can think that main animal .fsm script did not run at all for placed animal agents on dedi servers:- PasteBin dogs - https://pastebin.com/A9UYyaxu
CfgVehicles → Animal_Base_F → agentTasks- PasteBin sheeps - https://pastebin.com/xMx3PF5u