How to fix it!
Option 1 (the Arma 3 solution): give us the ability to give advance, stay back, flank left, flank right commands to individual people (or pairs) in the same way we could in Arma 3. the way it worked there is the squad lead was at the center of a grid, and giving the advance command would have that AI still follow in formation but as if the formation was one grid squad forward. You could give the advance again and it would be two squares forward, or the flank left command then it would be 2 forward and one to the left. you get the idea.
Option 2 (the simpler console friendly solution): While I personally consider this the inferior option, I think wholistically it is the better choice. simply modify the wedge formation to suck less I have posted an image of what believe would be a good default formation to use that takes into account even number squads (eg 2 man team, 4 man team, 6 man team ect)
Image 1: The default
Image 2: The safety wedge (what I think is better)
Image 3: The safety wedge but numbered differently to focus more on making buddy pairs and less on keeping the formation symmetrical
NOTE: The squad indicator on these images does not indicate who I think should be squad lead, the unit marked "1" is