1. Open 3D mission editor on Stratis.
2. Place any unit as player. Preview mission.
3. Press Escape, in debug console execute:
["Paste",["Stratis",[6479.55,5198.02,9.95688],137.45,0.5,[-0.734752,0],0,0,720.574,0.3,1,1,0,1]] call bis_fnc_camera;
4. Splendid camera opens with two t_pinuss2s_f.p3d on screen.
5. Press S to move camera backward from the trees. At some point the tree on right will switch to the bad LOD.
6. The tree on left of screen is shows the LOD is not affected from this angle. To see it go bad repeat the process from the opposite side: Press Escape, in debug console execute:
["Paste",["Stratis",[6520.35,5152.2,10.7395],318.549,0.5,[-4.65311,0],0,0,720.574,0.3,1,1,0,1]] call bis_fnc_camera;