1. Open editor, load Stratis
2. Place yourself as BLUFOR > NATO > Armored > M2A1 Slammer (as Driver), preview
4. Hold your "Turn Right" key ("D" by default)
5. Listen how the vehicle engine will produce engine accelerating sounds, start turning in place, smoke will be billowing from the exhaust
6. Release the "D" key then hold your forward key ("W" by default)
7. Once again, listen how the vehicle engine will produce engine accelerating sounds, start moving forward, and smoke will be billowing from the exhaust
8. While holding "W" start holding your "D" key to start turning
9. Listen how the vehicle will revert to the "idle" state in regards to sound and exhaust smoke. You will start losing speed until you are turning in place as if you are only holding the "D" key.