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{F2970074} Apparently you can move on it in prone (i move on it without even noticing it was there), but once on it you cannot move out of the wood plank position while in prone, you have to get crouch/stand (it's a "palette en bois" like we call it in french)
{F2970074} Sorry the capture is dark (even with flashlight on in daylight), the wood plank is in the middle. Apparently you can move on it in prone (i move on it without even noticing it was there), but once on it you cannot move out of the wood plank position while in prone, you have to get crouch/stand (it's a "palette en bois" like we call it in french)
Sorry the capture is dark (even with flashlight on in daylight), the wood plank is in the middle.
Apparently you can move on it in prone (i move on it without even noticing it was there), but once on it you cannot move out of the wood plank position while in prone, you have to get crouch/stand (it's a "palette en bois" like we call it in french)