1. Open editor on Stratis
2. Place down player as BLUFOR > Men > Rifleman
3. Place down another unit as BLUFOR > Men > Rifleman and give him a name "soldier1"
4. Preview
5. Pause and enter in the debug console: "[soldier1, "STAND", "UNDEFINED_GEAR"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim;" then click on "Local exec"
6. Observe that the unit will play animations and the "ambientAnim" will handle the unspecific "UNDEFINED_GEAR" string gracefully
7. Pause and restart the mission
8. Pause and enter in the debug console: "[soldier1, "STAND", "UNDEFINED_GEAR"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnimCombat;" then click on "Local exec"
9. Observe that this time "ambientAnimCombat" will complain that "UNDEFINED_GEAR" is unacceptable