Here are some tips for a successful landing of the Neophrone:
1) Start your landing approximately at least 3-4 kilometers out.
2) Approach at 150 meters altitude.
3) Approach full speed brake and full flaps, landing gear down. Enough throttle to keep vertical descent from dropping excessively.
4) Keep the flight path indicator on the beginning of the runway. Use rudder, and avoid ailerons. Use the throttle to control vertical descent.
5) Just prior to touch down, pull the nose up slightly and DO NOT drop or increase throttle. (If you do increase or drop throttle, this will likely require a divert from your landing.)
6) Let the back wheels touch the runway and then let the nose down easy.
The above is extremely easy with the slower jets. Using the Noephrone, this is virtually impossible without causing injury to the pilot when using a remove server or mutli-player game.
I have augmented the above steps with how to perform a blind glided landing.
3a) Line up the flight path indicator with the bottom/beginning of the runway
you intend to land on.
3b) Take note of your Vertical Speed (AKA vertical descent) and remember the
Vertical Speed gauge position, likely -1 to -2, or even -5. (We'll be landing
blind, but with the nose of the aircraft tipped for a softer landing.)
3c) Let the flight path indicator fall below your HUD, but keep your eye on
your Vertical Speed gauge, keeping the vertical speed/descent constant from
when initially lined-up for a landing within step 3b. You're on a glide path,
but somewhat blind except for your vertical speed/descent gauge and visual
indicators. Visual indicators being lining up the beginning of the runway with
the bottom of your HUD, and watching your peripheral vision for vertical
descent and altitude cues. Mostly, watch your altitude gauge.
3d) When you get to about 20-40 meters altitude, pull up slightly on the nose
to stop your vertical descent. (Vertical Speed gauge should read 0. Do not
push too much throttle if you're still below 0, as the Neophron easily gives
too much or too little thrust. Best to avoid pushing the throttle forward at
all while landing, and just try to pull up on the nose, but this is dependent
upon how steep your glide path is.)
3e) When your aircraft is above the runway for safe landing, let the vertical
speed increase to -1, and at most -2 for a safe landing.