I can post a video later if you want to see the difference. Though I believe you can easily calculate that from the numbers you've in the files.
The boring walking/jog part is 4x speed up.
It took ~944s to jog and get the orange hungry status.
It took ~2156s to walk and get the orange hungry status.
I don't know the speed of those movements. Knowing those would be easy to calculate the energy/distance ratio for both of those movements. All you can easily see is that you can cover a lot more by jogging.
I start from a certain point.
I start to walk just when I've reached the yellow hungry status.
Then I walk until hungry status is orange.
I stop, eat and start to jog back when my hungry status has just changed to yellow.
Jog until the hungry status is orange.
Notice how much further I got when I jogged compared to walking.