Set to night time within the editor. The following is within the Vehicle Initialization box. (The first part isn't needed, but I put the first part in just in case the prelude is causing the problem.)
this addeventhandler ["fired", {(_this select 0) setvehicleammo 1}]; player addVest "V_TacVest_oli"; removebackpack this; this addbackpack "B_Parachute"; player addItem "NVGoggles"; player assignItem "NVGoggles"; player addItem "ItemGPS"; player assignItem "ItemGPS"; this setPos [getPos this select 0,getpos this select 1,200]; this setVelocity [(vectorDir this select 0)*100,(vectorDir this select 1)*100,(vectorDir this select 2)*300]; this action ["LightOn", this]; this action ["CollisionLightOn", this]; this action ["FlapsDown", this]; this action ["FlapsDown", this]; this action ["WheelsBrakeOn", this]; this action ["LandGear", this]; this action ["EngineOn", this];