CONFIG PATH: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ModuleTaskCreate_F
SOURCE ADD-ON(S): A3_Modules_F_Intel
class ModuleTaskCreate_F: Module_F
author = "Bohemia Interactive";
_generalMacro = "ModuleTaskCreate_F";
scope = 2;
displayName = "Create Task";
category = "Intel";
icon = "\a3\Modules_F\Data\iconTaskCreate_ca.paa";
function = "BIS_fnc_ModuleTaskCreate";
isTriggerActivated = 1;
class Attributes: AttributesBase
class Owner: Combo
property = "ModuleTaskCreate_F_Owner";
displayName = "Owner";
typeName = "NUMBER";
defaultValue = 1;
class values
class Unit
name = "Synchronized objects only";
value = 0;
class Group
name = "Groups of synchronized objects";
value = 1;
default = 1;
class Side
name = "Sides of synchronized units";
value = 2;
class All
name = "All playable units";
value = 3;
class West
name = "BLUFOR";
value = 4;
class East
name = "OPFOR";
value = 5;
class Guer
name = "Independent";
value = 6;
class Civ
name = "Civilian";
value = 7;
class ID: Edit
property = "ModuleTaskCreate_F_ID";
displayName = "Task ID";
tooltip = "Unique task ID used to refer to this task. When empty, module variable name will be used. If even that one is undefined, generic name will be used by default.";
control = "EditShort";
class IDParent: Edit
property = "ModuleTaskCreate_F_IDParent";
displayName = "Parent Task ID";
tooltip = "ID of the parent task. When empty, the task will have no parent and will be shown in root.";
control = "EditShort";
class Title: Edit
property = "ModuleTaskCreate_F_Title";
displayName = "Title";
tooltip = "";
isLocalized = 1;
class Description: Edit
property = "ModuleTaskCreate_F_Description";
displayName = "Description";
tooltip = "";
control = "EditMulti5";
isLocalized = 1;
class Marker: Edit
property = "ModuleTaskCreate_F_Marker";
displayName = "Marker";
tooltip = "";
isLocalized = 1;
class Destination: Combo
property = "ModuleTaskCreate_F_Destination";
displayName = "Destination";
tooltip = "";
typeName = "NUMBER";
defaultValue = 1;
class Values
class Disabled
name = "Disabled";
value = 0;
class Module
name = "Module position";
value = 1;
default = 1;
class Sync
name = "Synchronized object";
value = 2;
class State: Default
property = "ModuleTaskCreate_F_State";
displayName = "State";
tooltip = "";
defaultValue = "'CREATED'";
control = "TaskStates";
class Type: Default
property = "ModuleTaskCreate_F_Type";
displayName = "Task Type";
tooltip = "Fill in a task type to give the task a specific icon. For the list of default task types, see the community wiki topic named 'Tasks Overhaul'.";
control = "TaskTypes";
defaultValue = "'Default'";
class AlwaysVisible: CheckboxNumber
property = "ModuleTaskCreate_F_AlwaysVisible";
displayName = "Always Visible";
tooltip = "By default, the task is visible only when assigned. If this setting is enabled, the task will show even when it is not assigned.";
typeName = "NUMBER";
defaultValue = 0;
class ShowNotification: CheckboxNumber
property = "ModuleTaskCreate_F_ShowNotification";
displayName = "Show Notification";
tooltip = "";
typeName = "NUMBER";
defaultValue = 1;
class ModuleDescription: ModuleDescription
class Arguments
class Owner
displayName = "Owner";
description = "";
typeName = "NUMBER";
class values
class Unit
name = "Synchronized objects only";
value = 0;
class Group
name = "Groups of synchronized objects";
value = 1;
default = 1;
class Side
name = "Sides of synchronized units";
value = 2;
class All
name = "All playable units";
value = 3;
class West
name = "BLUFOR";
value = 4;
class East
name = "OPFOR";
value = 5;
class Guer
name = "Independent";
value = 6;
class Civ
name = "Civilian";
value = 7;
class ID
displayName = "Task ID";
description = "Unique task ID used to refer to this task. When empty, module variable name will be used. If even that one is undefined, generic name will be used by default.";
class Title
displayName = "Title";
description = "";
class Description
displayName = "Description";
description = "";
class Marker
displayName = "Marker";
description = "";
class Destination
displayName = "Destination";
description = "";
typeName = "NUMBER";
class Values
class Disabled
name = "Disabled";
value = 0;
class Module
name = "Module position";
value = 1;
default = 1;
class State
displayName = "State";
description = "";
class Values
class Created
name = "Created";
value = "CREATED";
default = 1;
class Assigned
name = "Assigned";
value = "ASSIGNED";
class Succeeded
name = "Succeeded";
value = "SUCCEEDED";
class Failed
name = "Failed";
value = "FAILED";
class Canceled
name = "Canceled";
value = "CANCELED";
class Type
displayName = "Task Type";
description = "Fill in a task type to give the task a specific icon. For the list of default task types, see the community wiki topic named 'Tasks Overhaul'.";
class AlwaysVisible
displayName = "Always Visible";
description = "By default, the task is visible only when assigned. If this setting is enabled, the task will show even when it is not assigned.";
typeName = "NUMBER";
class Values
class Disabled
name = "Disabled";
value = 0;
default = 1;
class Enabled
name = "Enabled";
value = 1;
class ModuleDescription: ModuleDescription
description = "Add a task to synced objects or to larger pool of units.";
sync[] = {"AnyBrain"};
class AnyBrain: AnyBrain
optional = 1;
class ID: Edit
property = "ModuleTaskCreate_F_ID";
displayName = "Task ID";
tooltip = "Unique task ID used to refer to this task. When empty, module variable name will be used. If even that one is undefined, generic name will be used by default.";
control = "EditShort";
**// unique = 0; // When 1, only one entity of the type can have the value in the mission (used for example for variable names or player control)//**
class IDParent: Edit
property = "ModuleTaskCreate_F_IDParent";
displayName = "Parent Task ID";
tooltip = "ID of the parent task. When empty, the task will have no parent and will be shown in root.";
control = "EditShort";
**// unique = 0; // When 1, only one entity of the type can have the value in the mission (used for example for variable names or player control)//**