**Game Version number: recent**
**Modded?:** No
**Issue Description: **
Once a Server is full, Admins are unable to join a server quickly, whenever needed. In combination with very limited information and tools available via RCon (Battlemetrics), **this makes it almost impossible to moderate a Server!**
Also, Servers for the game are rather expensive. If we could extend Admin Whitelisting to communities, Server Owners would have an option to generate some recompensation by offering Whitelisting to donators/patrons. Community Servers really keep the Game alive, so it would be a good bonus.
This could achieved by adding a whitelist.cfg to the Server Files that is based off Steam64 or ReforgerIDs and potentially the option for 1 Reserved Slot on the Server, that could be kept empty for Whitelisted people to join first - or simply let them move them to the front of a queue.