According to the biki, if Vertical Mode is set to ASL, the composition will be placed exactly as it was saved. This seems to not be true.
1. This is the composition how it was saved
2. This is the composition when place with vertical mode off
[get3DENActionState "VerticalASL", get3DENActionState "SurfaceSnapToggle", get3DENActionState "VerticalATL"] // [1,0,0]
3. This is the composition with vertical mode on
[get3DENActionState "VerticalASL", get3DENActionState "SurfaceSnapToggle", get3DENActionState "VerticalATL"] // [0,0,1]
The biki on the other hand states exactly the opposit
For a simple compsition like the one shown above, this is not an issue, but for complex compositions, where things are placed on top of each other it's a problem. Since the only way to place it at the correct Z height is to turn on Terrain ATL mode which causes things place on one another to be snapped to the surface underneath.