When your character is overweight and your stamina bar drains to 0%, You are permanently unable to sprint until weight is removed. The minimum stamina threshold for sprint needs to be removed in order for players to retain mobility after stamina has been drained 100%. This bug is very frustrating as it happens repeatedly, when climbing ladders, sprinting, combat, or exerting any type of stamina while overweight. This previously happened with jumping and now also happens with sprinting.
Let me clarify, The minimum sprint lockout needs to be REMOVED.
**`DO NOT`** change it so you can't sprint while overweight.
Easiest way to remedy this would be to make sprinting able to be recovered when overweight. Instead of your stamina bar being unable to regain to a sprintable state, make the sprint recovery after stamina reaching 0% a static value instead of a float based on current available stamina.
Thank you