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{F3159849} This is a road. Can you tell? There's still an ongoing fight along it, but the fallen trees are interfering severely. Ideally, there should be a way via script to detect fallen trees and to remove them as the mission designer sees fit. Less ideally, trees could slowly sink into the ground until they disappear.
{F3159849} This is a road. Can you tell? There's still an ongoing fight along it, but the fallen trees are interfering severely. Ideally, there should be a way via script to detect fallen trees and to remove them as the mission designer sees fit. Less ideally, trees could automatically slowly sink into the ground until they disappear.
{F3159849} This is a road. Can you tell? There's still an ongoing fight along it, but the fallen trees are interfering severely. Ideally, there should be a way via script to detect fallen trees and to remove them as the mission designer sees fit. Less ideally, trees could
slowly sink into the ground until they disappear.