1. Add the following into a server.cfg file:
maxPing=x; // {threshold in miliseconds}
maxDesync=x; // {threshold number}
// Note: maxDesync maximal detected value is 100k (100000) and thus also max value for definition.
maxPacketloss=x; // {percents (0 to 100)}
kickClientsOnSlowNetwork=1; //maxPing/maxDesync/maxPacketloss/disconnectTimeout commands will log warnings and kick clients
1. a. Replace `x` with a value.
2. Start a dedicated server.
3. Join the server and spawn into the game.
4. Note that you will not be kicked for exceeding the maxPing, maxDesync, or maxPacketloss thresholds, and no messages will be written to the RPT log file.