It seems like this might have been caused from a desync issue but my connection was good and there was no golden or red chain icon. Sometimes other desync issues happen with a seemingly good connection and ping where walking down stairs ends up catapulting my character down stairs but not enough to do damage. Other times if I'm being chased by infected and I try to quick run into a building it rubber bands me in and out of the door and over again, always with a good ping and connection. Usually any time I've died on Xbox from infected it's because of this desync and rubber banding which allows the infected to hit me while I'm helpless. This issue has been around since 2018 and it used to be much worse. I think it's possible that this scenario might be initiated from infected sprites rather than connection issues.
EDIT: Also had 3 backpacks all different types disappear within 24 hours of this same bug report by dropping them on the ground, moving maybe at most 1000 meters away and coming back. The first time I just tried to tell myself somebody found it and stole it or something. After the second and third times it was obvious this was a bug. There was no server resets in that time frame of losing items and the bags were not in a ruined state. Server was also low population. Items were not placed in high traffic areas.