If the player in the action menu uses the option - "Turn out", then after the appearance of the player in the hatch of the current vehicle, first, the player sees a transparent vehicle. Player vehicle under player, seemed to appear out of the void. Note. ** This bug was added after visual upgrade.**
If the player in the action menu uses the option - "Turn in", then he sees first a black screen. After this, player sees a fully transparent vehicle, and only after that sees the view inside of the current vehicle. The transition in and out vehicle takes no more than two seconds, but such details spoil the impression from the gameplay!
////both example://s://
The transition in/out vehicle takes no more than two seconds, but such details spoil the impression from the gameplay! Unfortunatelly the whole simulation - turn in/out impemented far is not good. The player does not see any animation, (no movement of the player up.down). On the background is transparent vehicles, this simple action looks even worse. BIS Please do, these actions are worthy of a normal game.