**Miller, Arthur, Drabek quests**
- hide the camera in the trash bin in Oumere
- meet Arthur, drive to Luganville, get the explosives, go back home
- sleep until morning next day
- talk with Drabek who knocks on the door
- drive to plantation in Oumere, wait call from Samjo
- first attempt to steal explosives from Red Mine
- meet Miller in the jungle, get the cache detector app
**Assault on the police station in Vagalala**
- look for explosives in Red Mine site
- things get out of control, steal a service van, run over two gendarmes, pick up weapons, get away with service van
- kill 2 CSAT incoming squads, capture an Ifrit MG (shoot tires so crew disembarks), do the same with incoming Marid
- attack Vagalala with Marid, wipe out gendarmes and CSAT infantry
- take down chopper with RPG (2 rockets needed to get the damn thing down)
- blow up the house
- pick up all the gear from dead infantry and make a big stash on the ground south of Vagalala
- TIP: gear dropped by player on ground stays there forever, while gear left on dead bodies disappears with the body once player leaves the area (500m or more)
- park the captured vehicles close (Marid, 2x Qilin, Ifrit, 2x service vehicles), they never disappear
**Samjo, Miller, Drabek quests**
- deliver antimalarian pills to Drabek
-- starting from this moment on I pick up all the antimalarian pills I can get my hands on (they are scattered all over the island, checkpoints, bases, etc)
- deliver night vision goggles to stash for Samjo
- inspect abandoned base in Oumere
- deliver transport truck to Drabek
- rush back to the recently built small vehicle/ammo depot south of Vagalala, choose gear from the stash, get in the Marid and rush all the way south to Oumere
- avoid Harcourt checkpoint by sailing with Marid under the bridge
- sail from La Foa to Savaka with Marid, watch out for speedboats and planes (got hit by plane missile but Marid kept going)
**Assault on the big island South of Yanuka bay**
- leave Marid in Cerebu, get in the boat, move to attack fuel depot
- when all squad members are dead pick up their explosives and blow the shit out of the fuel depot, return to Cerebu
- use Marid to support attack on gendarmerie base south of Katkoula
- assault Katkoula and Savaka
- wipe out the harbour and police station, spend all night filling trucks with all gear taken from all dead bodies and ammo crates
- after second truck run Samjo tells you to get a bomb car to blow up the police station in Katkoula
- BUG: the explosive specialist near the bomb car would not react when getting close to him
-- after reloading a previous saved game I managed to make him react by changing some things I did before (I don't remember well but I think I went sleeping at the rest house and located cache nearby the rest house before trying again to get the bomb car)
- when morning comes in Katkoula, multiple trucks filled at max with weapons were delivered to L'Ensemble which are now level 2
- parked the Marid and a few trucks filled with ammo on the beach near Katkoula (a small base like the one south of Vagalala)
**Harcourt, Drabek's pills**
- sail with motorboat to the small island west of La Foa
- from there shoot down the crew of a speedboat and took control of the speedboat
-- I thought I could fill the speedboat with ammo like I did with the trucks but unfortunately the speedboat has very limited capacity
- with the speedboat investigate the small islands north of La Foa, finish the 'Mysterious Body' quest, find 3 caches nearby in the area
- leave the speedboat in Yani islets, go to Harcourt to gather intel (steal top secret file)
-- meanwhile the speedboat disappears
- give top secret file to Keystone
- give 22 boxes of pills to doctor
- save Samjo's captive
- wipe out enemies in checkpoint east of Tanouka, investigate Tanoa Sugar Company (nothing interesting found there)
- happily fast travel south to Regina to prepare for the diving operation
- BUG: recover photos from the plane at the bottom of the sea (action has no effect and error is displayed)
- sail to the island North of Yanuka bay to make CSAT pay for frustration with failed quest to recover photos
**Assault on the big island North of Yanuka bay**
- headshoot all infantry that get close to the checkpoint with the Type-115 rifle (use DMS optics), shoot down 2 Ifrits with the MAAWS from the nearby cache
-- BUG: all without triggering the alarm at all
- assault gendarmerie base in Rautake with the help of Insurgent team requested from Samjo
- sneak in the CSAT base in Balavu
-- shoot the officer, steal his ID card and intel without triggering the alarm
-- shoot the ammo truck guard and run away with it (alarm does trigger when I run away, then it quickly goes off)
- sneak in as diver west of Laikoro CSAT base, stealthly shoot down most of the guards, gather intel, shoot down incoming gendarms, alarm triggers, run away with the AT Qilin
- take back the ammo truck parked not far, drive to Tavu
- sneak inside the town (with the ammo truck), take down a guard, destroy the Marid parked on the harbor with RPG launcher (no alarm triggered, weird)
- gendarmes pop in, alarm triggers, shoot them all down with the high caliber ammo from the type 115 rifle, go to the officer's tent
- steal intel, laptop and ID card from officer
- fast travel from safe house in Tavu to safe house south of Vagalala
**Keystone, Drabek, the garagist**
- BUG: give wallet to garagist (action has no effect)
- give network plans to Miller (triggers new task to destroy radars near the volcano)
- give extra pills to Drabek (another 20+ boxes of pills)
**Stopped playing campaign**
- after encountering two bugged quests and issues about not being able to finish the campaign read in the Feedback Tracker I decided to stop here to avoid myself further frustration
- {F2037570}
- recheck task completion condition when player switches between 'assigned' and 'unassigned'
-- can be used to finish tasks that were blocked before a fix is released so player doesn't need to restart campaign
- to slow down the pace of the campaign, introduce sleep fatigue to force player character sleep for a few hours (4 or 6)
-- if player doesn't go to rest house or use sleeping bag, incapacitate him (eg blurry screen, slow movement like when carrying heavy load)
- allow player to make a small base or use insurgent controlled locations
-- abandoned vehicles and weapons dropped on the ground by player should disappear when player leaves the area
-- allow player to deposit weapons in 'stash' locations in addition to selling them to L'Ensemble
-- allow vehicles parked in insurgent controlled locations to not disappear
- allow insurgents to completely destroy checkpoints and bases by blowing up the buildings
-- this way gendarmes, CSAT don't come back and insurgents gain territory
- maybe it is a bug, but after wiping out gendarme base and Katkoula there are no gendarmes or CSAT soldiers coming back
-- when L'Ensemble reaches level 2 allow them to take control of the captured bases and areas (maybe randomly)
-- make gendarmes and CSAT attack the newly insurgent controlled areas