0. Set dificulty to Veteran (it makes the problem clearly visible)
1. Start Editor
2. Place AT-Rifleman (Blufor) at the south end of airport runway
3. Place blue basic weapons and red basic weapons next to AT-rifleman
4. Place a vechicle (no matter Hunter of Ifrit) 800 meters to the north of AT soldier.
5. Start mission with clicking on the preview
6. Switch to NLAW and aim the vechicle, when you've got target locked, shoot. Rocket will detonate before it reaches the target, and the vechicle will be fine.
7. Get another NLAW rocket from blue basic weapons crate and reload your NLAW, aim the target - nothing happens.
8. Drop NLAW and take RPG-42 with suitable ammo from red basic ammo weapons crate. Switch weapon to RPG, try to lock target - still no progress.