Issue 1: Infantry/dead bodies dont get cleaned up properly - aka not the extra above the corpseLimit once then corpseRemovalMinTime has been reached
Issue 2: Infantry/dead bodies dont get cleaned up properly - aka after the corpseRemovalMaxTime has been reached
Instead: Only "one by one" - but not related to these settings and not in a consistent delay/time in between each removal.
1. Load attached mission in Eden (SP), Hosted or DS
2. It spawns AI and empty vehicles
3. Top right hint shows stats (count XXX, count isInRemainsCollectorr [in brackets], count in bracketsdistance smaller than minPlayerDistance )
4. Use 0-0-3 to toggle spawning moreoff (or on again)
5. Use 0-0-1/2 to kill the infantry/destroyed the vehicles
6. Use time acceleration for quicker checking (in SP/Eden)
How vehicles get removed all at once as expected (after 30s and only beyond the set 50m)(wreckRemovalMinTime) all but 5 (wreckLimit) + only those further away than the set 50m (minPlayerDistance)) - correct
**How infantry do not go removed or just sparingly one by one, like a queue) after the 30s to a few minutes. Some not at all even at times.**
Note: In chat (and rpt) it shows when a dead unit or wreck gets removed with their distance to player plus the time in seconds since death/destruction.
Note: Via radio menu one can also
1) Toggle on/off automatic addToRemainsCollector/removeFromRemainsCollector sqf command to be applied for newly created/killed entities
How infantry do not go removed or just sparingly one by one 30s/after a few minutes.2) Apply to all units/deadMen/vehilces the ddToRemainsCollector/removeFromRemainsCollector sqf command
One can also toggle addToRemainsCollector/removeFromRemainsCollector for newly created/killed entities,Issue 3:
How addToRemainsCollector for destroyed vehicles / once already destroyed, doesnt seem to do anything - they will no longer get removed once destroyed. or add all units/deadMen/vehilces to either oneEven though isInRemainsCollector lists them after the sqf command gets applied.
The same for dead bodies.
1. Load attached mission in Eden (SP), Hosted or DS
2. It spawns AI and empty vehicles
3. Top right hint shows stats (count XXX, count isInRemainsCollector [in brackets], count distance smaller than minPlayerDistance )
4. Use 0-0-3 to toggle spawning off
5. Use 0-0-7 to toggle "removeFromRemainsCollector" for newly spawned units and vehicles
6. Use 0-0-3 to toggle spawning on again
5. Use 0-0-1/2 to kill the infantry/destroyed the vehicles
How addToRemainsCollector for destroyed vehicles / once already destroyed, doesnt seem to do anything6. Even though isInRemainsCollector lists them.Use time acceleration for quicker checking (in SP/Eden)
The same for7. Use 0-0-9 to apply "addToRemainsCollector" to dead bodies units and wrecks
You can also toggle the unit creation forcreated unit to join the player group with 0-0-6.
How dead bodies suddenly get removed after the player has become aware of their dead.
You can also toggle auto reveal of death of infantry or vehicles vi 0-0-5.
How this does not help with dead body removal.