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- User Since
- Jul 31 2021, 4:17 PM (190 w, 2 d)
Aug 5 2021
Aug 5 2021
walshmason added a comment to T155975: Dayz Hackers - SY1023 (Server) - Aimbots.
Yeah, this is still happening. I had exact same experience. Logging in and instantly killed with one shot secs after logging in. Inside base with gates closed. Came back to find base raided and a heap of paper from boxes of ammo at the door. They are using esp and no they can stand there shooting the walls and no ones around.
walshmason added a comment to T157468: Hacker on SY 1023 shooting me through a wall 2 seconds after i log in.
This is still happening on this server. Being shot thru walls inside base with no windows seconds after logging in. Around the same time too-late night 10pm to 2am