User Details
User Details
- User Since
- Jun 16 2016, 9:42 AM (457 w, 4 d)
Jul 18 2016
Jul 18 2016
userkilled updated the task description for T119464: Hacker / Glitcher report.
Jul 13 2016
Jul 13 2016
userkilled updated the task description for T119338: [BUG] Corpses sticks to walls or ceilings upon death in some buildings.
Jun 17 2016
Jun 17 2016
userkilled added a comment to T118102: 1-2FPS When server browser is searching for servers.
Yes, get massive stuttering when any UI interaction
userkilled edited Steps To Reproduce on T118084: Missing red dot in RV1 and M68 collimator sights with battery attached.
userkilled updated the task description for T118084: Missing red dot in RV1 and M68 collimator sights with battery attached.
userkilled updated the task description for T118086: Using "Game Capture" feature in Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) causing black screen since exp 0.60.
Jun 16 2016
Jun 16 2016