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- User Since
- Dec 20 2014, 10:00 PM (535 w, 3 d)
Jan 30 2020
Jan 30 2020
tydligen533 added a comment to T148648: Item gets stuck inside storage(barrel).
After a relog i were able to move the items that were stuck back to my hand and then my inventory. But soon after moving the items back in to the barrel they were stuck yet again. The items seemed to stay in their original position after the relog.
tydligen533 added a comment to T148648: Item gets stuck inside storage(barrel).
During some more testing i found out that a lot of spots within the barrel are unusable when this bug is performed. Tried placing some ammo in every spot of the barrel while there was a Leather sewing kit stuck within and the more i moved the ammo around the more spots got unavailable and the green border around the item turned red when trying to place the ammo in those spots.