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Dec 24 2013, 9:32 PM (585 w, 18 h)

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May 10 2016

sultanabdel added a comment to T90355: Rify ship Stuck in a room.

i glitched out of the room to the next room. see the link below:

The wall i'm looking at between the electrical box and the corner wall with window. i runned max speed jumped a couple of times and got in the next room with couple of beds and a open door.

May 10 2016, 5:30 PM · DayZ
sultanabdel edited Steps To Reproduce on T90355: Rify ship Stuck in a room.
May 10 2016, 5:30 PM · DayZ
sultanabdel added a comment to T89395: Rify ship.

Hi again, i glitched out of the room to the next room. see the link below:

The wall i'm looking at between the electrical box and the corner wall with window. i runned max speed jumped a couple of times and got in the next room with couple of beds and a open door.

maybe it works for you to? good luck.

May 10 2016, 4:56 PM · DayZ
sultanabdel added a comment to T89395: Rify ship.

same thing for me. cant get out or respawn somewhere els.

May 10 2016, 4:56 PM · DayZ