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Sep 7 2015, 2:31 PM (495 w, 6 d)

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May 10 2016

stolzerrabe added a comment to T83725: error code 0xC0000005 - STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION.

Same issue!
On Life Mod:
Most Time, i can connect to a server. Then i be able to play a few minutes, until i´ll try to buy anything or spawn on another faction. Then the Crash happens.
Doesn´t matter which Server.

Other Mods like Exile:
Sometimes I´ll be able to play about half an hour. Sometimes more, but half an hour is like standard crash time. Reconnecting sometimes crashes instantly if i click on join Server.

I checked the integrity of the Game, checked my Memory, although i Reinstalled Arma, and reinstalled Windows.
Drivers up-to-Date, but crashes still happen.

Like Pershing said: "The bug depend of how complex is the mission, if you drive fast a vehicle or fly a plane/heli, even if you run with time x 4 set. I can tell that in v1.50, the game is not capable to manage big memory, fast."

I think he´s right! That is what happend! Arma is not capable to manage big memory fast!

Like DaddyDustin said: "I never had any issues with crashes until the 1.50 patch." I agree!

May 10 2016, 11:46 AM · Arma 3