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stakboy (David)


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User Since
Nov 2 2021, 7:48 PM (175 w, 2 d)

Recent Activity

Nov 2 2021

stakboy added a comment to T159529: ADS Bug.

Hello guys, I think I noticed a thing that maybe is one of the reason for this bug to happen. When using guns with a scope (specially the hunting scope) the scopes itself has a second or two to "load" the image in the screen. For a couple of seconds when you try to aim the gun looks like it has no scope. And just when the scope appears in the screen it let me aim properly. Maybe further testing is needed. Hope it helps

Nov 2 2021, 7:57 PM · DayZ
stakboy added a comment to T159529: ADS Bug.

Hello ! can correct the ads bug please (when we sprint and crouch at the same time the weapon does not raise!) thank you very much, you know after playing 3 / 4h to do something and have this bug in front a guy and not being able to defend it and ultra frustrating!

Nov 2 2021, 7:55 PM · DayZ