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- User Since
- Aug 22 2014, 8:39 PM (542 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
raymix added a comment to T85347: param is working but throwing errors when defaults are used in most cases.
I thought the whole purpose of param/params was to get rid off these errors in case of a wrong input. That alone made them one of the strongest commands I've had pleasure working with.
Now they are pretty much useless.
For those who are looking for alternatives - use BIS_fnc_param, it is slower than it's binary cousin, but will not give you errors.
raymix set Category to category:featurerequest on T84799: Commands to rotate dialog controls.
raymix edited Steps To Reproduce on T84546: htmlLoad requires filepatching to read file inside pbo.