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User Since
Apr 4 2015, 4:23 AM (518 w, 3 d)

Recent Activity

May 11 2016

rawloy added a comment to T109772: No servers show up when I enter the server browser..

I had this issue after updating and it turned out that battleye was blocking access to a file on my PC, which turned out to be 3rd party software. As a result, I was not able to find or join any servers.

When you launch dayz, alt-tab (go to desktop) and you may have to dayz windows, one is dayz, the other is a battleye CMD. Int he battleye cmd it should tell you if its blocking access to a file.

After I removed/uninstalled the file battleye was blocking, i was able to join/find servers.

Hope this helps.

May 11 2016, 4:57 AM · DayZ