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User Since
Jul 2 2016, 9:51 AM (452 w, 4 d)

Recent Activity

Jul 4 2016

platios12 added a comment to T119001: I can't play, closing code is 0xc000012F.

thank you for the help...
I haven't optimize my SSD or HDD, I have 8 GB of RAM and a lot of free space on the PC, I have an ASUS.
I have installed the mod, but when I saw which there was a problem I unstalled that.
"If your game crashes a pop-up window with the error code will appear. This pop-up window gives you the opportunity to create a zip-file with crashdump files."
Yes, I must to write in it anything?
(sorry for the English I'm italian)

Jul 4 2016, 12:02 PM · Arma 3

Jul 2 2016

platios12 created T119001: I can't play, closing code is 0xc000012F.
Jul 2 2016, 10:02 AM · Arma 3