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- User Since
- Dec 18 2013, 3:22 AM (583 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
panzerlamb edited Steps To Reproduce on T87482: Death message, but not actually dying..
panzerlamb added a comment to T87480: No interaction available.
This is due to some servers not updated yet, its a complicated process to update it, especially since they have so many different server hosts in so many regions.
Basically, the server is not up-to-date. try finding another server.
panzerlamb added a comment to T87471: Devil's Castle Loot isn't acquirable due to spawning beneath each of the floors.
Confirming this on other castles aswell.
panzerlamb added a comment to T87384: Being pushed through walls..
@Fastburn, that's actually another bug entirely :P That one is when you re-log, you can occasionally be put back onto the ground rather than on the platform you were on, so therefore can be trapped WITHIN walls etc. seen it happen a couple of times too.
panzerlamb edited Steps To Reproduce on T87384: Being pushed through walls..