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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 8:13 AM (586 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
oplet set Category to category:animations on T89375: Someone else climbs ladder, they don't have an animation..
oplet added a comment to T89331: Bodies disappearing after death.
Rocket already knows the issue, it was something he left in the code that he was messing with to counter combat logging, he's already said he knows about it on his twitter and will push a fix to the next update.
oplet set Category to category:weapons on T88036: Chambering bullet in M4, then loading a clip into the gun forces the chambered bullet out, and acts like a magazine..
oplet set Category to category:animations on T87520: Sometimes sitting down will be interrupted and your character will stand up again..
oplet set Category to category:weapons on T87513: If ammo clip is on the ground, emptying it will result in losing bullets.
oplet set Category to category:gamecrash on T87418: VOIP over whole server, with game crash following.
oplet edited Steps To Reproduce on T86814: Weapon attachments flicker.