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- User Since
- May 25 2014, 9:26 PM (565 w, 2 d)
Jun 24 2016
What?? Care to elaborate even the slightest?
This is not a bug, but an intentional feature.
It is not broken, this is intentional. It is to create a stream friendly so that streamers don't get stream sniped. This came out along with the option to turn of server messages, again to make the game stream friendly.
LOL how is this annoying? Anyways, from my understanding they won't be working on a fix for this because the new player controller will fix this. As well as other fun-inducing "exploits" such as rag suicide and well spam.
Jun 11 2016
Jun 10 2016
Weapon cleaning kits are meant to be only for the weapon itself, and not the attachments. How is this a major issue? You should have marked it as feature request, because this is intentional.
Jun 7 2016
Jun 2 2016
May 27 2016
Great thanks Geez!
45 Minutes prior to the invisible wall shed, I snapped this collapsed church. I'm pretty sure it was on the west side of Elektro.
The shed is likely in the NW route from Elektro, so Pusta, Moglivevka, or Storoye, but I'm pretty sure it was Pusta. Next time I'll remember to get the coordinates!Unfortunately I don't recall exactly what I did before. But it was one of two things: