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- User Since
- Apr 16 2013, 4:13 PM (620 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
mootmoot edited Steps To Reproduce on T66064: problem with boat weapons sounds.
mootmoot added a comment to T65072: When playing in multiplayer slight lag then crash.
Sorry,i've just sold the problem.
mootmoot added a comment to T65072: When playing in multiplayer slight lag then crash.
here is my arma3 folder:
but i don't understand how do i get the DXdiag
sometime the game lag a lot(one frame for 10 or 20 seconds),but if i wait it can back to normal,it realy crash only one time for five "big lag"...and i can ear the other player speaking during the lag time...
mootmoot added a comment to T65072: When playing in multiplayer slight lag then crash.
hello i got the same problem,and it happen also since the latest stable built have been installed