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- User Since
- Feb 15 2015, 3:05 AM (527 w, 6 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
mikeb180 added a comment to T111357: map loop issue possibility.
nevermind i just embarassed myself...i must have been tired this morning sorry for the inconvenience
mikeb180 added a comment to T111357: map loop issue possibility.
ignore this report...i realised that im an idiot
mikeb180 added a comment to T111357: map loop issue possibility.
i couldnt load the video that i took but i can email it if the description is overly confusing or instructions too hard to follow. you really need to see the video as it is quite hard to reproduce without it.
mikeb180 edited Steps To Reproduce on T111357: map loop issue possibility.
mikeb180 edited Steps To Reproduce on T108196: I always walk forward after eating if i had something in my hand prior..