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- User Since
- Apr 9 2015, 2:17 PM (519 w, 1 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
maverick399 added a comment to T110591: Inventory grid "resolution".
Actually dayz mod was more hardcore. Cause in pants' pockets you were able to carry only ammo or bandages. And you needed some time to open you backpack and move items to pockets.
maverick399 set Category to category:featurerequest on T110591: Inventory grid "resolution".
maverick399 added a comment to T110070: vs3 losts all gas when leaveing it for a while with engine turned off.
Thanks for answers. I thought that it was cause of damage. Before posting I tried to drive very carefully to check it. And only thing I hit was zombie.
maverick399 edited Steps To Reproduce on T110070: vs3 losts all gas when leaveing it for a while with engine turned off.