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- User Since
- Jan 5 2014, 2:31 PM (584 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
m00h added a comment to T92214: Randomly induced lag leading to uncontrollable no-clip (passing though object as if not there).
Same problem here. Really hard to play. This is probably related to a server/client dialog issue. We can see a lot of desync plus server keep restarting at some point (every 5-10 min random)
m00h set Category to category:environment on T92188: Doors stay closed.
m00h added a comment to T92122: Dying when on the boat in Rify.
Adding info:
- This appear after a server lag/disconnection.
- Seeying sentence "<nickmake> have lost connection"
- But you are still connected
- Then die
m00h added a comment to T92122: Dying when on the boat in Rify.
Adding info:
- Had same issue near Krasnostav
- Server died just after (it seems)
- When reconnected - Undead again
m00h set Category to category:characters on T92122: Dying when on the boat in Rify.
m00h added a comment to T92114: Can't pick up objects.
Yes same thing also for object below beds or any other things.
m00h set Category to category:environment on T92114: Can't pick up objects.
m00h added a comment to T92113: Image is blurry when joining the game.
Yes totally random. Did you find a better way to fix it than checking the video settings and coming back to the game ?
m00h set Category to category:performance on T92113: Image is blurry when joining the game.
m00h set Category to category:ingameui on T92112: Traduction in French is incorrect.
m00h set Category to category:ingameui on T92111: In game UI Police text is not appearing when trying to change video memory value (french text).
m00h edited Steps To Reproduce on T92108: Zombies run across walls to get into buildings (any kind).