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Sep 14 2014, 5:07 AM (547 w, 13 h)

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May 11 2016

lucholland added a comment to T103531: [0.49 stable] Building texture appears / blocks ATC Tower at NE Airstrip (Krasnostav / Olsha).

2014-09-20_00021.jpg shows an up-close snapshot of building. Should see western edge of ATC Tower exterior, but see this instead.

2014-09-20_00020.jpg shows an up-close snapshot of building. Should see eastern edge of ATC Tower exterior, but see this instead. You can see the top bubble of the ATC Tower at the top of the screenshot.

2014-09-20_00011.jpg shows an interior shot. I am inside the ATC Tower, facing the exit door on the first floor. The "additional building" is displaying across this entrance/exit. I can clip / pass through the building texture.

2014-09-20_00002.jpg shows an exterior shot. I am approaching the ATC Tower from the NW. You can clearly see this "additional building" attached on the western side of the tower.I can clip / pass through the building texture, but get stopped when I hit the ATC tower exterior walls.

May 11 2016, 1:09 AM · DayZ
lucholland edited Steps To Reproduce on T103531: [0.49 stable] Building texture appears / blocks ATC Tower at NE Airstrip (Krasnostav / Olsha).
May 11 2016, 1:09 AM · DayZ
lucholland added a comment to T103522: Dynamic Heli spawn issue.

Confirmation of the Mi8 being "buried" via screen shot attached.

My screenshot is from Windows 8.1, DayZ Version 0.49.124971, Hardcore/Hive 1.

At the time I was playing on a hosted server (trusted/known admin), and persistence is not on as far as I know.

May 11 2016, 1:08 AM · DayZ