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- User Since
- Dec 20 2013, 3:48 PM (588 w, 12 h)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
krux9730 added a comment to T88801: start game screen goes black and says error creating direct3d 9 graphical engine.
same dude i am soo jealous of my friends playing it
krux9730 added a comment to T88801: start game screen goes black and says error creating direct3d 9 graphical engine.
yeah this is really annoying for me i have watched youtube videos of dayz and now sa is out i wanna play soo much
krux9730 added a comment to T88801: start game screen goes black and says error creating direct3d 9 graphical engine.
auto detect does not work for me + no new updates for my driver
krux9730 added a comment to T88801: start game screen goes black and says error creating direct3d 9 graphical engine.
yes i just launched it with those parameters now what?
krux9730 set Category to category:gamecrash on T88801: start game screen goes black and says error creating direct3d 9 graphical engine.