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- User Since
- Mar 30 2014, 11:18 AM (569 w, 6 h)
May 11 2016
It works :)))
I'm still not exactly sure how I fixed this but I managed to get it running
by following the instructions under "method2" in the following link :
What little I understood is this : even though I'm on a 64bit OS for some bizarre reason I needed to download the 32bit .dll version instead of the 64bit version. (my error message didn't say the file was missing / couldn't be found, it just said that it was "unsuitable" for windows )
I installed the 32bit.dll into dayz folder, windows/system32 AND windows/wow64 folder.
Rebooted my PC and started dayz for the first time in approx 72 hours.
(just in time , I was starting to experience severe withdrawal symptoms )
JStewart , my first kill in 0.58 will be dedicated to you !
I'm off, thx for your time dude !
Done, killed a guy in elektro police station, he had a magnum,
I had a cr75, the last words he heard were :
"You have been sacrificed to the dayz gods, I dedicate this kill to JStewart"
Nope, that didn't work either ...
I have deleted dayz , updated all X3DAudio1_* files by hand and re-installed DayZ but kept getting that same error message.
Tried some stuff in that link you posted too :
- downloaded runtime package & installed it ... same result.
- ran dxdiag but couldn't see anything that "jumped out"
I find myself at my wit's end ... JStewart, I'm in need of your magical powers
PS what also drives me nuts is that this only happens with DayZ, I can play left 4 dead or arma2, even DayZmod I bet ( didn't actually try to play the mod ) but DayZ Standalone seems to be "off limits" to me at the moment ...
Deleted & re-installed DayZ 3 times but I still get the same error message ...
Found a post somewhere that said to uninstall the game, delete all X3DAudio1 files and replace them one by one. Only after this is done can you re-install the game ... Will try that now.
That link you posted above seems to be more for win8, I'm running win7 home premium 64bit but I'll definitely give it a look.
will post results good/bad
Hello JStewart,
I've uploaded a screenshot for you but ...
- My windows is in dutch, the actual messages translates into english as :
c:\windows\system32\X3DAudio1-7.dll is unsuitable for windows or contains an error, try to reinstall the program from the original installation medium or contact your sysadmin or software vendor for support.
- I must have seen this pop-up 100 times in the last 48 hrs and it's only after taking the screenshot that I noticed the "header" of the pop-up! It translates into english as : "DayZ.exe invalid installation copy" ...
if you require any more info, don't hesitate to ask.