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- User Since
- Aug 16 2013, 12:13 AM (601 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
kinglaiho edited Steps To Reproduce on T72412: Near-future setting, but still analogue radios?.
kinglaiho added a comment to T71447: Video settings don't save between sessions..
I found the issue was specific to me, that I had the shell folder paths (User Shell Folders and Shell Folders) were mapped to a non-existent drive in my registry. This meant that the game was trying to save settings and profiles to a drive that didn't exist.
Fixing those paths meant resolved the issue. For more information, I'd suggest looking up "error 1327 invalid drive".
kinglaiho edited Steps To Reproduce on T71447: Video settings don't save between sessions..