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- Oct 3 2024, 2:32 AM (22 w, 4 d)
Jan 13 2025
based on my experience playing other game like Greyzone warfare which is also very FPS limited if you dont have a upper end 40 series card, everything in the distance looks super blurry when using FSR or DLSS. Those who need it for the frames will use it but its almost impossible playing without a magnified optic if you want to shoot anything beyond 50 meters. The AI generally spot you sooner then youd see them trying to scan with ironsights.
Nov 13 2024
TO further bolster case for black cockpit panels and wire strike protection system, this is a footage from 1984 training sqaudron with student pilots. If Uh1H trainer had NVG compatible cockpits then this certainly would of the been standard by 1989, in active duty units that still was operating UH1H's.
Nov 12 2024
IT should also be noted that the rotors since 1980 standard are supposed to be entirely black. The reforger main rotors and anti torque rotors are black but have tips painted yellow. IT should be entirely black in this timeframe