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- Jul 25 2021, 12:02 AM (177 w, 4 d)
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Jul 25 2021
john_dal_tonn added a comment to T159865: i had simultaneous deaths of players, looks like cheaters in the server i just played..
In support of this post:
john_dal_tonn added a comment to T159877: Twisting arms bug | (RU) Баг с закручиванием рук.
(EN) H{F2438423}ere I would also like to attach a screenshot with long arms. The screenshot accidentally depicts one screenshot on top of another - do not pay attention to this - the essence of the problem is in the crooked display of textures (character's hands). By the way, this breakdown has been present in the game for a very long time. And the same amount of time is not solved (!) Yes, they are not critical, but spoils the impression of the game.
john_dal_tonn added a comment to T159868: Bug with falling and getting stuck | (RU) Баг с падением и застреванием.
(EN) I attach a video with a demonstration of the bug.