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- User Since
- Oct 15 2024, 6:56 PM (21 w, 16 h)
jmaher929 added a comment to T189920: Nitrado turned off log files .
Agreed. Nitrado having a monopoly on server ownership for console players is just wrong. They have no incentive to do a good job and they struggle on the regular to even provide the base service that we pay for on a monthly basis. These servers are not cheap. Most server owners also pay for wonderful bots that make our lives easier but are forced to use Nitrado logs and API in order to work properly. When Nitrado goes down, all of these systems stop working. It hurts players, server owners, and the game in general. With these consistent outages by Nitrado, players are going to start moving on. The worst part is Nitrado is often completely silent about what is happening, leaving us all in the dark.