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Nitrado turned off log files
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Hope you know that console servers have only one monopoly hosting - Nitrado.
They don't give us log files on the go, we can't check what happenin on the server for 10-20-30 or even an hour.

Today 11 March they turned off them completely. To check log file now we need a restart. Imagine it on PC.. absolutely not normal.
All bot that connected to the Nitrado and helped players and server owners also down, because we need a restart.

It's ridiculous. Please solve this issue and give us something new and convenient or maybe again we all ask for another server provider and stop this monopoly! How much do we need to pay for such service?


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

theryo added a subscriber: theryo.Tue, Mar 11, 9:11 PM

Please Bohemia, you are the only one to hear us and help us, Nitrado is very frustrating… I hope this reaches right people… we love your game and you have huge community support, help us please 🙏

No real time logs completely ruin community servers. What's the point to keep community server of we can't control it properly

Agreed. Nitrado having a monopoly on server ownership for console players is just wrong. They have no incentive to do a good job and they struggle on the regular to even provide the base service that we pay for on a monthly basis. These servers are not cheap. Most server owners also pay for wonderful bots that make our lives easier but are forced to use Nitrado logs and API in order to work properly. When Nitrado goes down, all of these systems stop working. It hurts players, server owners, and the game in general. With these consistent outages by Nitrado, players are going to start moving on. The worst part is Nitrado is often completely silent about what is happening, leaving us all in the dark.

Agree with this! I have been a user of nitrado on and off for the past 4 years, but paying for the first 2 years since nitrado kept messing up on a regular basis and my servers suffered by it, I continuously lost player base due to nitrado and they barely take responsability for their issues, if they even do own it. For the rest of the time, I have helped admin and configure several servers for dayz and it has honestly been a pain because they are the only providers on console. Right now, the owners of both servers I help with decided to close them because we dont have live updates on the logs, which is inconvenient because if anything happens we rely on players reporting it or having to wait for the server to restart and we manually go over the logs to see if there is anything out of order. Being PVE servers this is a HUGE problem as we strickly enforce the rules and rely heavily on the killfeed bot to help us with this. Im sure many other server owners are thinking like me and about to decide to just stop paying for a server, which in turn will affect dayz greatly as its player base will lower. Official servers are a lawless place, and most players prefer a community server where in most of them, they are well taken care of. PLEASE PLEASE look into this Bohemia! trust us, ALL that rent a server would absolutely love to move out of nitrado, or make them have competition for their service to be ACTUAL service! Thank you!